Examination order

About exams

  • OSH pass and HOT WORK pass exams can be held by persons who studied in a certified educational institution.

  • For exams of OSH pass and HOT WORK pass you can register in a certified educational institution, where you was studying.

  • Exams are held at specified time in a certified educational institution.

Examination procedure

  • Exam can be taken by a person who have registered in advance in a certified educational institution.

  • Exam is held on the specified day in a certified educational institution (institution indicates the date, time and place address).

  • task are given by OSH pass certification center to a certified educational institution. It is strictly forbidden to use any additional material during the exam.

  • Exam duration is 1 hour 15 min

After passing exams

  • Persons who passed the exams of the OSH pass and / or HOT WORK pass, they will be registered in the Central register of diplomas.

  • After passing the OSH pass, HOT WORK pass exams, relevant diplomas testifying the fact of passing the exam, are issued to persons.

  • The issuing fact of the diploma can be checked in the Central register of diplomas.