OSHpass Certification center
About us
UAB "Sistemų registras" is an accredited institution for assessing acquired competences. In 2015 May 8, by the order no. V-498 of the Minister for Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania UAB "Sistemų registras" was granted by the accreditation and the right to assess the person’s acquired competences according to 15 informal training programs. UAB "Sistemų registras" expanded the area of its competence in assessing the person’s acquired competences, taking into account the changes in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and the needs of the market.
UAB "Sistemų registras" has gained extensive experience in assessing the person’s acquired competences in theoretical and practical activities – the company knows the safety and health requirements when setting up the workplaces of the respective professions, the risks to the safety and health of employees in the workplace and fire safety requirements, understands the preventive measures of accidents and incidents, such as training of employees and assessment of their knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health and fire safety, in all chains of responsibilities.

UAB "Sistemų registras", guided by the experience of EU countries (Netherlands, Finland, etc.) in training employees on safety and health at work and fire safety issues, has created a system for training and knowledge assessment on safety and health at work and on fire safety issues, and established the OSHpass certification center. The OSHpass certification center gives the right for educational institutions to train employees in safety and health at work and on fire safety issues, and to assess students' knowledge according to the methodology established by the OSHpass certification center. The training and knowledge assessment methodology of the OSHpass certification center corresponds to the methodologies widely used in EU countries, such as VCA, SCC, etc.